Blog > 5 Custom Software Development Trends Post Covid-19

Just like any other industry, the Covid-19 outbreak is sure to change things in the software industry. Right before the pandemic began, the software industry experienced undeniable advancement with the release of new and better technologies by the hour. Now that the pandemic struck, can the industry still testify to this? Will custom development dwindles or will it be enhanced? What will be the new custom software Development Trends?
Well even in times of crisis like this, the software industry still proves strong. Digital classrooms and online groceries simply became more popular. Video conferencing became the savior of many top companies as they had to close offices. Now, whether you are a business owner or a software developer. You should start looking forward to what software would define a Post-COVID world. Here we discuss 5 custom software development trends post covid-19.
1. Artificial Intelligence
Right before the start of COVID-19, artificial intelligence posed a promising future. With many industries firing their workers during the pandemic, it may mean that the future is now. Due to the life lived during the pandemic, many businesses will no longer see the need to take their workers back.
Many would continue operations just as they did during the pandemic, and many would opt for artificial intelligence in handling various tasks. Robots and chatbots would become the new normal with many industries adopting this over human labor. With this, AI/ML development would soon become a trend even though it had been during the Pre-COVID era.
2. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Now, it shouldn’t be a surprise that VR development would be among the trend. It has been one thing that has helped most people cope during the pandemic. Since the world is locked down and people have to stay indoors, most people have secretly done many things and visited many places with the help of their VR glasses.
In a Post-COVID world, there would be an increase in the demand for virtual reality. It would become a trend in first-world countries with everyone having a desire to virtualize reality.
3. Cloud Computing
In today’s digital world, we mostly live in the cloud. In a Post-COVID world, cloud computing would be encouraged because it makes files, servers, and databases available to any authorized user through any device, at any place, and at any time. During the pandemic, industries that already use cloud computing were able to continue operations smoothly from the cloud while being at home.
The ability to control infrastructural and operational costs is another good reason why industries would consider cloud computing. Flexibility also stands as one of the numerous benefits allowing businesses to upgrade or downgrade according to what your business needs at the moment.
4. IoT
Who doesn’t love smart devices? We all do, and we are going to get lots of smart devices in the Post-COVID era. With the 5G technology, you might one day be able to start your car by touching the fingerprint sensor on your mobile phone while sitting on the 50th floor of your office building.
Smart refrigerators could begin ordering groceries from online retailers with no effort from you at all. In a post-COVID world, there would be massive advancement in Internet of Things solutions.
5. Open Source Software
In times when even top brands are struggling to keep profits up, open-source software has gained popularity. Why? You may ask. Well, these industries are doing whatever it takes to reduce their expenses while maximizing profit.
A simple way of doing this is to utilize the power of open-source software. It saves them the cost of buying licensed software, and it produces the same or even better results at some point in time.
As we always say in SVCIT, Stay Innovative, and Stay Tuned…
Author: SVCIT Editorial
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