Blog > Custom Software Development: What to Expect When You’re Expecting.

The idea of custom software development to solve a problem or just to proffer a unique experience to your clients is a sound business move. However, it is important to note that Software development is a complicated domain.
Therefore, to accomplish this ordeal, you must understand what to expect. Understanding these three concepts will give you a headstart.
- Technical Debt,
- Third-Party Limits, and
- Bugs.
Technical Debt
Technical debt occurs when speed in delivery is prioritized over building a perfect code. This transpires when the goal is to build a product that can get into the hands of users quickly.
Technical debt is recommendable for startup businesses. As opposed to waiting for months to build that perfect software, through technical debt, within a shorter time you can have functional and usable software. Consider minimum viable product (MVP) for the proof of concept and (to-keep) prototyping.
Nevertheless, like all debts, this too must be paid. Therefore, when you choose the path of technical debt, you must be prepared to rework and optimize your code as you grow.
Third-Party Limits in Custom Software Development
Most developed software integrates other software (Enterprise Software Development). However, caution must be taken to ensure you don’t breach the limitations and restrictions of the third party as well as budget.
The problem with third-party integration is that, though you might get initial approval from the third party, they might decide to change their stance and update their limitations in such a way that your integration is no longer possible.
It is risky to build your software banking on the permission of a third party. Therefore, have backup plans and choose your partner wisely. Research the company thoroughly and consider the stability of components as well as the history of updates. Make sure the company is not suddenly going out of business. In SVCIT we severely consider the year-in-business for any partner we choose.
Even Google, daily spot bugs in their program. Bugs are so common that they are beginning to be perceived as normal.
Due to the presence of bugs an application malfunctions. It is best to identify bugs when testing is conducted during the course of development. However, some bugs are found by users during usage. Nevertheless, when detected, bugs can be squashed, so don’t fret. Document bugs detected, ask why it was there and inform your team to learn from the experience. Create a solid positive and negative test automation. Don’t just record bugs in your project management software, elaborate and view them in depth. Bugs are not always an engineering problem. In SVCIT we go through details to make sure the bugs are not surfacing due to the team or people problems.
Now that you’re well aware of what to expect, note that there are two ways a Customized Software can be developed; In-House Development or Outsourcing.
However, as regards Outsourcing, people tend to fail to see its enormous benefits due to some build-up questions that have led to doubts.
Moving forward, some of the questions and concerns regarding outsourcing will be addressed.
If it is your first time developing Software via outsourcing, you might be concerned with who gets the ownership of the code, server, and environment. Well, everything is owned by you, the project owner. The development company develops them, transfers ownership to the project owner when the project is completed.
The Custom Sofware Development Process.
What to expect when developing a project is a concern of most persons. Well, the development process of a project differs from one project to another. No two custom software development ordeals are identical, so you can’t with 100% certainty know what to expect.
Nonetheless, your developer will come up with strategies that will work best for your project. When you go through their planned strategies, you get an idea of what to expect. Consider your company might have experience and focus on developing only your own software but outsourced companies will for sure have a lot more experience and have seen a variety of known and unknown factors.
System Administrator.
Who will be responsible for the system administration? This is another question that arouses concern because the role of a system administrator is vital. If you expect your developer to act as your system administrator, that expectancy might not be meant. Though they might help, it’s better to have a system administrator to maintain the system, ensure the peripherals are in top shape, creating backup policies, and most importantly, monitor network communication.
Custom Software development can tend to be overwhelming. However, with the right expectations and an experienced team, the process is less tasking.
Author: SVCIT Editorial
Copyright Silicon Valley Cloud IT, LLC.