Blog > What is Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

Companies are finding a way to store, distribute, and manage all of their data, which is a big challenge. Running applications, delivering content to users hosting high traffic websites, or backing up documents database and email will require a lot of storage. More storage space keeps growing every day. Building and managing a personal repository is expensive and time-consuming.
The user has to buy the racks of dedicated hardware and software and then get it all up and run; the user needs to hire staff to set up complex processes to ensure that the storage performs well and backs up is stored if something fails. Add more capacity costs and time to deploy more servers’ hard drives and tape backup machines. To predict how much capacity they need in the future is difficult; they may have the storage they need or overspend and end up with excess capacity that makes their sits idle.
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) provides developers and IT teams with safe, secure object storage. It is easy to use with a simple web services interface that helps store and retrieve any Amazon EC2 or anywhere on the web. Users need to choose the region where they want to keep their data.
The user needs to create a bucket, and they can begin storing data in Simple Storage Service. With Amazon Simple Storage Service, the user doesn’t need a crystal ball to predict how much storage they will need in the future. An organization can store as much data as they want and access their data when they need it.
Data Recovery Backup and Archiving
Companies always worry about losing their valuable data; Amazon Simple Storage Service helps store and manage more backups and archives. Amazon S3 is ideal for this purpose. Users can keep a practically unlimited amount of data for when its need for traditional IT infrastructure.
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is exceptionally durable, and it provides 1109 ability. Data is stored across multiple facilities and multiple devices within each facility.
Amazon Simple Storage Service is designed for 99.99% availability. Users can also choose the AWS region in which to store their data. It also allows its users to optimize latency, minimize storage cost, and address regulatory compliance. Suppose an organization has sovereign data that needs to be in a specific country user can choose an amazon region that satisfies that need.
Amazon S3 is also a cost-effective user that can store huge amounts of data at a very low cost and only pay for what they use.
Amazon Simple Storage Service is also very secure as it supports SSL data transfer and data encryption once it is being uploaded. It is also providing access control to data using IAM. It is also specifying object permissions using the S3 policies.
Amazon S3 is also highly scalable; it allows storage of as much or as little data according to its users’ needs. Here storage is elastic, so the user can scale up and down as required and only pay for what they are using.
It also allows configuring notifications when objects are loaded into Amazon S3 by SQS, SNS, or even Lambda. In this way, it is easy to set up workflows for files.
High Performance
Amazon Simple Storage Service is also a highly performant user who can use multi-part uploads to maximize network throughput and resilience. Amazon S3 transfer acceleration is a new service that uses edge locations to increase upload and download time.
Amazon S3 is also fully integrated with many AWS products such as CloudFront, CloudWatch, RDS, EBS, Lambda, etc.
Author: SVCIT Editorial
Copyright Silicon Valley Cloud IT, LLC.