Blog > MVP: Improving Custom Software Development Efficiency

The role of MVP in the custom software development process is not always given the prestige it deserves. Custom software development can be tasking and overwhelming. The greatest concern with the development of new software is the response of the target audience towards the developed software.
The idea of developing new custom software is often a delight to the project owner, it is important to note that the supposed end users may not share in the enthusiasm and vision. If this happens, losses will suffer due to the cost-intensive nature of development. It is crucial that the return on investment (ROI) is high.
Therefore, the idea of a Minimum Viable Product is brilliant to curb the risk of incurring losses and further give an insight into how to efficiently develop the custom software towards the acceptability of the end-users.
To understand how MVP can improve software development efficiency, there is a need to understand the concept itself.
The idea behind MVP Creation
The term “Minimum Viable Product” (MVP) was introduced by Eric Ries in his Lean Startup Methodology.
The MVP version is not yet wholly developed. However, even with its limited features, it is functional and provides value to users.
Releasing a minimum viable product is a perfect way to test your software with actual users. This way you mitigate the risk of incurring a loss.
Also, using a minimum viable product you can handily gather feedback from users, observe how well the product thrived in the market, and develop it efficiently. A minimum viable product provides value and still reduces the cost of development.
Benefits Associated With MVP
● MVP is perfect for startup enterprises as it enables you to release your software quicker.
● MVP aids you in determining if a product will fail or succeed. Thereby lessening the risk of wasting funds and investing wrongly.
● Way to give your idea a trial and learn the best ways to further its development, reducing custom software development costs.
● Helps an enterprise verify how profitable a concept or software will be without building the entire software.
MVP and Software Development Efficiency
MVP plays a vital role in efficiently developing software, and it has become a regular procedure for startups. There are tons of reasons to create an MVP when developing software. Such reasons include;
Fresh Perspective: Before the development of software, the project owner and developers map out the concept of the software including its features. Nevertheless, after the MVP the reaction of the users to the software a fresh perspective is gained. And new ideas on how to go about continuing to develop the software. MVP helps developers determine the best features and interfaces. The final product should possess to meet or soar above the expectations of users gathered through an active feedback-gathering process i.e. A/B testing.
Pinpoint Errors: Through the release and usage of the MVP, the project owners and developers can detect bugs or errors that were not found while merely testing the software. When errors are detected during the usage of the MVP the developers gather the data and make necessary improvements to the final product.
Attract Investors: As a startup enterprise in need of investors, adding an MVP to your pitch presentation will give intending investors an intensive idea of what your innovation is all about. They are more likely to invest if the product can meet their expectations.
MVP is truly resourceful in making the development of software efficient. It is cheaper and quicker to develop and it gives you a medium to validate your software before investing heavily. Make sure to consult with domain experts before deciding what to design for an ideal MVP.
Author: SVCIT Editorial
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